General Member

A General Members are a member representative from a company or professional firm conducting business or residing in Douglas County.  General Member Benefits include:

  • Vote on all issues submitted to the general membership
  • Attend all general membership meetings
  • May take an active role in one or more BCDC committees.
  • Receive the Weekly Updates and special updates

Corporate Leader Member

Corporate Leader Members are a company or professional firm conducting business or residing in Douglas County. The Member representative may be the President / CEO / Owner (or area manager in the case of a local division of a major organization) or a Senior Partner / Manager of a company or professional firm. Corporate Leader Member Benefits include:

  • Vote on all items submitted to the Board and the membership
  • Serve on the Executive Board
  • May be elected to serve as an Officer, may be active on BCDC Committees
  • Receive Weekly Update, Board Special Updates, Breaking News
  • Name and company will appear on Council stationary, website and communications
  • Critical Issues Title Sponsor with full ongoing recognition
  • Monthly breakfast meeting Sponsor with full ongoing recognition

Associate Member

Associate Members are a small business owner generally a sole Proprietor conducting business or residing in Douglas County. Associate Member Benefits include:

  • Attend all general membership meetings
  • Take an active role in one or more BCDC committees
  • Receive the Weekly Updates and special updates​

Since 1992 the Business Council of Douglas County has been renowned for its effective advocacy and educational programs throughout the region, and is a vital representation of business leaders from all industry sectors insisting that only personal integrity, ability, experience and a willingness to serve the public interest be considered qualifications.

From its inception the Council represents no formal constituency. Its opinions represent the collective judgment of a group of experienced business leaders who demonstrate their interest in the general welfare by participation in public policy and social issues.

Members are accepted on the basis of personal qualities and position as chief executive officers and senior managers leading private sector business, institutions, hospitals, utilities and governmental agencies. The Council seeks a wide representation of business leaders, both from a broad range of industrial and service sectors as well as from a geographical basis. There are no political qualifications for membership.

As a businessperson managing a business in Douglas County, you can apply to join the Council and discover how you can participate in building prosperity for yourself, your community and future generations.  


Membership Levels

Corporate Executive Member

Corporate Members are a company or professional firm conducting business or residing in Douglas County. The Member representative may be the President /CEO/ Owner (or area manager in the case of a local division of a major organization) or a Senior Partner/Manager of a company or professional firm. Corporate Member Benefits include:

  • Vote on all items submitted to the Board and the membership
  • Serve on the Executive Board
  • May be elected to serve as an Officer, may be active on BCDC Committees
  • Attend Board and General Membership Meetings
  • Receive Weekly Update, Board Special Updates, Breaking News
  • Name and company will appear on Council stationary, website and communications